As DOOM, the rapper covered his visage, first with a ski mask and later with a metal faceplate fashioned after the accessory Russell Crowe wore in Gladiator. Zev Love X resurfaced in the mid-’90s under a new name, MF DOOM, with a series of singles that would eventually appear on 1999’s Operation: Doomsday. Elektra Records later dropped KMD over the project’s polarizing cover art, which depicted a hanging Sambo figure. The group’s follow-up, Black Bastards, stalled in 1993, after Subroc was struck and killed by a car. Hood, mixed conscious tropes with lighthearted sensibilities. The two would eventually form the group KMD, with Dingilizwe going by DJ Subroc and Daniel as Zev Love X, alongside Rodan and, later, Onyx the Birthstone Kid.
Born in London as Daniel Dumile, DOOM spent most of his early years on Long Island with his younger brother Dingilizwe. MF DOOM, however, was the writer and teller of his story from the very beginning. Rappers rarely control the stories that are told about them.